Degrees in:

"Certified Photography"

"Photography Technology"


Biography:Bartlomiej Rypel is Professional Photographer. He loves to take pictures that illustrate a story. He always had an eye for the camera since he was a child. His story begins with his birth in Zakopane, Poland on October 18, 1988. Bart and his family moved to the United States when he was Four years old. As a child, Bart would always play with a camera. He would take pictures of anything and everything. His parents noticed their son’s interest in photography but an enormous move was on their way. During his adolescence, Bart took many pictures and he became aware of his talent. Many of his friends and family became aware of his talent as well. His family encouraged Bart to pursue a career in photography. Bart listened to his family and he began College of Dupage to pursue photography. He had a dream of taking pictures, having a nice house, and a nice car. Slowly but surely his dream is coming true.
